If you are not familiar with C++ then you will not be able to make it fast or work for your application. You've been warned.
However, if you want to look cool with text scrolling across the screen as you "hack the gibson", go ahead and download the exe and the wordlist
Protip - If you want to change the time to find the hash of f6bf30f9a5ccb79ef226d97e82cdcf67 (Stacy7) from a full 38 seconds to less than 1 second. Comment out the call to stdout.
This is essentialy a wrapper around pscp.exe to upload a file to a remote directory through ssh. It is not locally secure (Passwords are in plain text locally). It requires you to write out a function in C++ to determine the file to upload
pscp.exe was lifted from chiark.greenend.org.uk. You should probably download pscp.exe from chiark's site. You shouldn't trust random executables on the interwebs.
Inspired by Violent Python
Requires Python3 and the pysmb library
Inspired by Violent Python
Most of this was written as an experiment, internet challenges, school, etc. It's buggy, half-baked, and generally useless